Sysselsättning för att inte plugga..

Urban Dicitonary rules:
--Go to and type in your answers to the following questions.
--Post the first definition it gives you.

1. Your name? Anna
- The name for the most awesome person ever, It is impossible to fit so much awesome into any other person.

2. Your age? 22
-1) A .22 caliber handgun 2) Any rim that measures 22 inches in size 3) Slang term used for women to let you know they are prostitutes.

3. One of your friends? Carro
- Chicano or Spanglish for car.

4. What should you be doing? Study
- To go over to the opposite sex's house not to study, but to "study." "Studying" usually involves fooling around without any pants on.

5. Favorite color? Purple
- Extremely potent marijuana, specifically marijuana buds that have a purple hue to them. Also accompanied by a fragant, usually fruity smell and mad perma-grin.

6. Birthplace? Kristianstad, Åhus
Isn't defined yet

7. Month of your Birth? April
- a female of wise words. Often regarded as a "panda" person. These types of females are very energetic and friendly, and when you see these types of girls down, you feel down too.

8. Last person you talked to (in person)? Satu
- Friend to Leiko another Definition maker here.

9. One of your nicknames: Lindgren
- The last name usually in association with a fun easy going person who is normally good at playing sports.

Det var ju smått intressant och roligt!!
Fann denna för övrigt på en väns (jimmy's) note på facebook. Tack Jumpe! =)
       ♥ Anna


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